Hey there, Hi there, Ho there!

Hey there, Hi there, Ho there!
The Wood Family, Oct 2014

Monday, March 8, 2010


Why do people who have the ugliest hearts get the farthest in life?

Isn't that the question for the ages?

Seriously, is it just because they are master manipulators? Or is it just that people find them so abrasive that they don't want a conflict to arise, so they give in and give them what they want?

I recently came upon this dilemma.

I have been employed at a veterinary clinic for 5 years now. Showing them my desire to learn and my work ethics, I worked my way up from receptionist to Vet Technician. I felt I was a well-respected employee. Utilizing my seniority, before the birth of our second child, I took myself down to working one day a week; no one likes to work Saturdays, so I knew it would be perfect.
Shortly after returning from my maternity leave, a co-worker and good friend (so I thought) seemed to have changed her feelings toward me. She starting lying not just to me, but to my superiors. Since I am not around Monday through Friday to defend myself against slanderous rumors, my superiors went on believing the evil co-worker without coming to the source.
Long story short (too late), I was demoted back to where I was before-receptionist. They said that they wanted a technician with more experience for busy, fast paced Saturdays, even though it hasn't been a problem in 3 years. So I am back to answering the phones, smiling and filing. But hey, I guess I don't need all the drama, right?

Heartbroken and disenchanted, I almost feel like they should just fire me.

That said, feelings around the clinic seem to show that no one truly believes her, no one really likes her (off and on) yet they all tolerate her since they don't want a show-down at the O.K Corral.

Part of me thinks she may be jealous of a new friendship from a co-worker who started just before I left for maternity leave. Lindsey and I are the same age, we have a lot in common and a lot of life parallels. For some reason, I feel like I have known her for a long time.
Every Saturday, I feel negative vibrations from the ex-friend co-worker, like Crepuscular sun rays, or in this instance, like wavy stink lines, streaming from her being. I don't know why someone would be such a negative person for no reason at all. Oh, I am sure there is a reason in her devious mind.

This is the exact reason why I never had many girl friends growing up. They all back stab you in some shape or form.

One of my good friends, Teresa, puts it like this: "I hate it when 'friends' get weird. As a general rule, I have few but GOOD ones."
(I love her!)

So I guess she doesn't have it all. You can tell that she is a tormented soul for reasons only known to her. I am the one with a complete family, rich with happiness. After post-demotion anxiety and much soul-searching, I am (relatively) at peace with it all. "It is what it is" has become my motto. I hope she finds peace in life. And a better attitude.

Karma is a real thing.

1 comment:

  1. I've another friend in a very similar position, Amy. I don't know what to say except women are so hard on each other, and for no real good reason. :(
